Sunday, May 30, 2010


Old faithful. Deer burger and grilled potatoes. I add an egg to a pound of ground deer to make the burgers hold together better (I don't add fat to the deer when I grind it). And yes we eat like this everyday. amazing what a garden and wild animals can do for us and how we take for granted that God provides all we need to survive. While we remember those who gave their life in service of the country maybe we can say a thank you to God as well while we grill our Memorial Day burgers. Your pal the Envirocapitalist.  

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Tonight I fixed a simple salad (mushrooms, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and ranch dressing), some corn, and deep fried Sauger. Sauger is my favorite fish and I owe these tasty fillets to my buddy Stacy (From how much is a Rockfish worth). I made the batter out of a pancake mix which is a little sweet but the kids love it (I like it pretty well myself).  I love eating something I fixed my self from the local lake. Remember don't just take a kid fishing, let him eat what he catches. Your pal the Envirocapitalist.

Monday, May 17, 2010


My wife is the greatest baker and cake maker in the East Tennessee  Valley. With that said, I do most of the cooking,  I have decided to start a series of posts (hopefully weekly) to highlight my culinary expressions.  My wife tells me I am a great cook, and she wouldn't lie about such a thing just to get out of fixin dinner.......would she?

Tonight I fixed Honey Teriyaki Venison Chopped Steak, Sweet whole kernel corn (that I froze last year), Mashed potatoes, and fresh strawberries. Ummm Good.
This kind of wild game and garden food is a nightly thing at my house and I enjoy the gathering and preparing of the food as much as the eating......well almost. Your pal the Envirocapitalist.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inspiring blog

Journey to Live an Abundant Life  is a very inspiring blog written by my sister documenting life and all that goes with it. If you know anyone in need of a good read about a modern woman this is a good place to go. Here is how she put it in her own words "I am hoping this blog inspires growth for the followers. I believe in nurturing the 3 parts of our being -- mind, body, and, spirit. I am interested in improving my life through this blog while bringing up some thought provoking subjects. " Can't beat that, your pal the Envirocapitalist.

Upcoming adventures

My life has been pretty tame lately. I work (saving the world from raw sewage), Take the boy to golf and baseball ( I coach), mow grass( five yards mainly charity), and completing my household duties ( what ever the lovely and talented mother of my children wants).  We have stepped back from the Cub Scouts for a while due to the hectic schedule and to be honest the scouts seem to be a little feminized and politically correct nowadays. Not exactly the place for a boy to learn what it means to be a man.  So back to the way my dad did the wilderness. I have acquired a used 14 foot aluminum canoe for me and the boy to adventure in this summer and he will be old enough to hunt with me this fall.  I will teach him responsibility and self-reliance out in the bush.  I hope he realizes unlike a lot of today's youth that hard work is something to be proud of and being a tough, dependable, and humble man should be the aspiration of every boy.  So it  is off to the lakes, and woods, to catch fish, pick berries, and learn to be a man. Be on the look out for future posts on manhood and the exploits of the boy and myself. Your Pal the Envirocapitalist.