Thursday, April 23, 2009

Den Leader?

on Tuesday the 22nd my life changed for good. We have joined the cub scouts. Tiger cubs to be exact and I have volunteered to be the den leader. This doesn't sound like much but I am already the Tee Ball coach so I will be busy. But I do believe in the scouts and I hope my son wants to stay a scout for longer than I did (made it to WEBELOS). I think the scouts are a great place for kids to become young men, learn morals, work ethic, and a code of conduct that will serve them the rest of their lives. I am honored to serve and excited to be apart the experience. Future blogs may include my new den and pack so stay posted while I go scouting!


  1. Congrats Enviro - we were in your spot three years ago. Now The Boy is a Bear and soon to be Webelo. Both me and my wife have become involved and it has been very rewarding. Good luck.

  2. Congratulations, I never got ito it but my older brither made it all the way to Eagle.

  3. Congratulations. I was a Girl Scout into my mid teens and it taught me a lot of stuff. Both my parents were active in our troop and meant a lot too. I'm sure your son will appreciate it as well.
